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OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  365英国上市官网(大学)许可许多软件程序供其自己使用. 大学与每个软件程序的所有者签订许可协议,根据该协议,大学承担其员工必须遵守的某些具有法律约束力的义务. This policy seeks to reduce University exposure in critical areas, improve vendor accountability, 并确保软件的使用符合许可限制和版权.

政策:  大学软件必须使用标准的大学采购程序进行采购和获取, 用大学资金购买,并且必须授权给大学,而不是个人雇员.

所有大学员工和大学许可软件的用户只能按照许可协议使用软件. 未经有效许可,学校不允许在学校信息技术资源上安装任何软件.

适用范围及适用性:  本政策适用于所有使用安装在大学资讯科技资源上的软件的人士. 本政策也适用于使用大学资金购买软件的所有情况, either centrally or departmentally.


Information Technology 资源:  Information Technology 资源 includes without limitation, 台式电脑, 笔记本电脑, 工作站, 服务器, 平板电脑, 智能手机, 电器, application or hosting service provider services (ASPs), 网络设备, 和 any other hardware that makes possible the transmission, storage or use of Software.

软件:  软件意味着, in its broadest definition, electronically stored computer instructions, 操作系统, 公用事业公司, 应用程序, application or hosting service provider services (ASPs), 软件即服务, 和 related documentation.


1.  软件采购

Software license acquisitions will be initiated using processes documented by Purchasing 和 University Technology Services (UTS); Software purchased using personal funds will not be reimbursed. 大学参议院的学术计算委员会可以向采购部门和科技大学提供有关学术软件的信息. 请检查 UTS Campus Software Procedures for specific instructions.


  1. be adopted as a University-wide st和ard;

  2. be integral to the University’s technology infrastructure;

  3. be implemented as part of a University initiative; or

  4. allow the University to realize economies of scale.

Every effort will be made to avoid duplicative Software purchases.

标准的大学采购程序包括以下条件的评估, which may result in detailed review by UTS, the Office of Risk Management, the Office of 法律 Affairs, 和 other departments as needed:

  • 机密数据的处理、存储或传输 OU美联社&P #860 Information Security, 包括与第三方签订合同,代表大学接受支付卡处理.

  • Data collection or integration is expected for systems that process, store or transmit data classified as Operation Critical in OU美联社&P #860 Information Security.

  • 将目前存放在大学拥有的计算机或服务器或其他设备上的数据转移到不属于大学的设备上.

  • 登录集成与大学的身份管理登录结构.

  • Intended installation on a server managed by UTS.

  • Specific or unusual network, storage or security requirements.

  • 远程系统接入或VPN (virtual private network)接入要求.

  • Intended for shared use in the University enterprise.

  • Intended to be widely accessed over the University network.

  • 要求遵守法规或法律,或属于UTS已经管理的合规计划的范围.

  • Intended installation in a virtual or imaged environment.

  • Vendor acceptance of University st和ard terms 和 conditions.

2.  软件许可证使用

大学使用软件应遵守许可协议. No 大学的员工 violate the terms of a license agreement. Transferring possession of any copy, modification or merged portion of any licensed Software, whether gratuitously or for gain, 是违反这一政策的,是被学校禁止的, unless transfer is explicitly allowed in the license. 这种行为也可能违反州和联邦法律,并使员工受到民事和/或刑事处罚.

大学的员工s who make, 收购, or use unauthorized copies of computer Software, or otherwise violate Software license agreements, 否则违反本政策的,一律按照纪律处理 OU美联社&P #890 Use of Information Technology 资源 和 may also be subject to personal liability, 包括州和联邦法律规定的民事和/或刑事处罚.

个人许可的软件或个人免费或个人购买的软件可以安装在大学信息技术资源中,如果个人所有者保留了设备的有效许可证副本(i).e., a valid copy of the license must be kept with the computer). 如果个人不能根据要求提供有效的许可证,则必须删除该软件. Departments allow the installation of such Software at their own risk; Software must be removed if the employee who licensed the Software leaves the University.



3.  软件管理


每个软件许可证都有适当安装和使用的文件规则, 和 metrics for payment for such use. Metrics may include seat count, 命名用户列表, 安装数, 处理器数, University enrollment data, 固定月费, site license or a variety of other metrics depending on the Software, the category of Software 和 the vendor. 获取软件的大学部门或单位负责验证软件的正确安装和使用, 维护文档化的记录以支持所需的度量标准, 以及支付与扩展或更改指标相关的额外成本. 

4.  操作

安装软件不得影响学校网络和服务器的运行. 软件安装也可能给桌面带来风险,导致性能变慢或不可靠. If found to be in conflict with University policies, or in conflict with educational, 业务, network or server operations, Software will be removed, 或运行本软件的硬件将被断开连接或以其他方式阻止网络连接, 符合 OU美联社&p# 850网络策略#890 Use of Information Technology 资源

5.  责任

每个员工都有责任遵守这一政策. Employees 应 report any violations to their unit supervisors. 单位主管应当报告违规者,进行适当的调查和处分. The individual with signing authority for purchase of Software, or that individual’s designee, is responsible for underst和ing the license installation, 许可证使用指标, 供应商管理, 和 the ongoing verification of license compliance. 违规行为将根据学校政策进行处罚,包括但不限于, OU美联社&P #890 Use of University Information Technology 资源.


OU美联社&p# 850网络策略

OU美联社&P #860 Information Security
OU美联社&P #880 System Administration Responsibilities
OU美联社&P #890 Use of Information Technology 资源

OU美联社&P #1000采购政策

OU美联社&P #1020 Purchasing Card Procedures

UTS Campus Software Procedures
