

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  The University Closing Policy and accompanying procedures provide guidance for the orderly Cancellation of Classes, 推迟开始, 紧急关闭, 以及在极端条件下提前释放员工.

政策:  确保为学生及市民提供持续的服务, it is the policy of 365英国上市官网 (University) to remain open except under Extreme Conditions.  在极端情况下,大学可能会取消课程, 推迟开始, 紧急关闭或提前释放员工.  作出这种决定的责任由参谋长负责。, 与总统协商, 负责学术事务的常务副校长兼教务长, Sr. 学生事务副总裁和财务副总裁 & 政府.  Department heads, 经理, and supervisors are not authorized to make such decisions.

适用范围及适用性:  这项政策适用于所有教员, 工作人员, 学生, 游客, 供应商和大学院系,除非有特殊的例外.  该政策适用于大学的所有活动,无论一周中的哪一天.


取消课程:  Classes are cancelled due to Extreme Conditions for a given period of time and the University remains open and all University offices continue to operate and 工作人员 continues to work regular shifts.


推迟开始:  延迟启动, a 推迟开始 time will be announced and communicated and all classes that normally begin before the 推迟开始 time are canceled.

紧急关闭:  由于极端条件,大学正式关闭.  Scheduled classes are cancelled and most University offices are closed with University operations ceasing.

早期的版本:  Permission is granted 为员工 to leave work before their regular quitting time without loss of pay or use of leave due to Extreme Conditions.  Early Release may also be applicable to specific building closures due to Extreme Conditions in or around a specific building while the University remains open. 


操作的一天:  除非另有规定, 紧急关闭业务日(24小时)从上午5时开始.m.  A regularly scheduled shift is cancelled for an 紧急关闭 if the start time of the shift occurs at the beginning of or during the Operational Day on the day of closure.


极端条件下:  极端条件包括, 但不限于, 恶劣天气, 自然灾害, 重大公用设施故障, 公共安全问题.


指定重要人员:  Designated Essential Personnel include certain personnel in the Police Department (OUPD), 设施管理, 学生住房, and others determined to be necessary by 总统 or appropriate division head.


1. 恶劣的天气可能会影响密歇根州东南部, the Chief of Police will convene a weather team to discuss the impact of the storm and any possible operational adjustments needed to ensure that the campus is safe for normal business and academic activities.  一旦确定了建议, 警察局长应将本建议转交参谋长, 总统, 教务长, Sr. 学生事务副总裁和财务副总裁 & 行政管理供他们考虑.  参谋长将根据他们的意见作出最后决定.

2.  紧急关闭程序:  宣布紧急关闭时, 学生 and employees will receive notice of closing by various means; website homepage, 电子邮件, 短信或本地媒体和/或, 为员工, 既定的部门程序.


3.  提前释放员工:  提前释放由院长决定, 部门主管, 经理, 主管或其指定人员.

4.  学术方面的考虑:  Asynchronous online courses will not have any assignments or exams due during the Cancellation of Classes or Emergency Closure period.  现有的同步在线课程和现场校园课程将被取消.

与班级补课相关的学术问题, 在线课程, 重新安排测试, 个别教师或学生缺勤, 等., will be addressed on a case-by-case basis by the responsible faculty member or appropriate academic department or unit.  If a Cancellation of Classes or 紧急关闭 occurs during a final examination period, any missed final examination periods or days will be made up in sequence on the first day or days after the end of the originally scheduled final examination period.  Rescheduled final examinations will take place at the same time and in the same place as originally scheduled.  No final examinations will be rescheduled on Saturday or Sunday unless the class is regularly scheduled on a Saturday or Sunday.

5.  校内活动安排:  所有预定的活动将在紧急关闭期间取消, 然而, 在特殊情况下, 总统, 或被任命者, 可能允许预定的事件(例如.g. 专题会议、体育比赛和活动等.)发生.  传讯和市场部将发布公告.

6.  在紧急关闭和取消课程期间, 365英国上市官网马科姆大学中心(MUC)课程, 365英国上市官网西校区(OWC), Moceri房子, 工程研究设施也将被取消.

如果Macomb社区学院中心校园(和大学中心)关闭, 本校公开课将会取消.

马科姆县外联主任, 与教务长合作, 或被任命者, 在极端情况下有权取消本校的课程.  

7.  西澳大学医学院:  有关取消课程的指导,请参阅OUWB医学院学生手册. 

8.  其他非现场地点:  在紧急关闭和取消课程期间, off-site locations will close or cancel classes only if the location management in which the off-site locations reside have closed or canceled classes. 


9.  公告:  所有有关取消课程的公告, 推迟开始 or 紧急关闭s are to be coordinated by the Communications and Marketing Department.  Designees of the 体育运动 and Campus 娱乐 Departments will inform the Communications and Marketing Department about the status of events and the availability of facilities in those two areas.  一做出取消课程的决定, 推迟上课时间, 或者关闭大学, notification will go out to local media outlets and information can be obtained through the campus information telephone line, (248) 370-2000, 和网站, www.奥克兰.edu以及紧急通知系统.  (请不要致电OUPD调度员索取最后资料).  The Student Information Center and the Office for Student Involvement will serve as information sources for 学生.  Pertinent information regarding the University Closing Policy will be printed in the Oakland Post annually.

10.  紧急关闭期间赔偿准则

a.  请病假的员工, 假期, or personal leave (or are scheduled for such) would continue to have the time away from work charged to their respective accrual accounts, 因为在紧急结案时他们不可能在工作.

b.  所有员工都没有讨价还价, 谁被安排工作, qualify for payment for their regularly scheduled work hours for that Operational Day.  Employees who do work are to be paid for time worked and be granted compensatory leave at the rate of one hour for each hour worked.  补休应安排在接下来的四(4)周内, at a time to be mutually agreed upon between the employee and immediate supervisor.

c.  所有为员工讨价还价(OUCMT), OUPSA, 美国大学, POAM和COAM)应参考各自的集体谈判协议.

d.  临时, casual and student employees are not eligible to be paid except for hours actually worked and approved by their supervisor.

11.  提早解雇雇员补偿指引

a.  Employees who are granted such release time will be paid at their regular rate for the remainder of their regular work schedule that Operational Day.

b.  Employees not granted Early Release will continue to be paid for regularly scheduled hours worked at their regular rate of pay.

c.  临时, casual and student employees are not eligible to be paid except for hours actually worked and approved by their supervisor.

12.  指定重要人员:  It is the responsibility of the Directors in essential areas to develop appropriate reporting and work assignment procedures for Designated Essential Personnel to be executed during 紧急关闭s and Early Release of Employees.  These procedures should be communicated regularly to affected employees by their respective 经理 and supervisors.

